
Upcoming Events and Notes of Interest

Adult Bible Fellowship— Wednesday, November 4, 2020 beginning at 6:30pm.

Knowing Scripture:  The Class will equip you with essential tools, guidelines, and principles to help us study the Bible effectively and interpret difficult passages.

Every Christian has the privilege and duty to diligently study God’s Word. But sometimes, even those who have been reading the Scriptures for decades can encounter passages that are hard to understand. In this course, Dr. R.C. Sproul teaches that biblical interpretation, like all sciences, is governed by rules. As he lays out the basic guidelines for correctly understanding, interpreting, and applying Scripture, Dr. Sproul equips beginning and long-time Bible readers alike to study God’s Word for themselves.

Join us Wednesday nights as we review what we learned in the study prior to our collective meeting.  The process will deepen your skills in effective bible study.   Pastor Mark:  419-630-7049, 


Ladies Bible Study—Better: A study of Hebrews by Jen Wilkin. Thursday, November 5th from 9:30-11:00am. Renee: 419-630-0028,


BCC 101 Class—Sunday, November 8, following the morning service and Wednesday, November 11th beginning at 6:30pm. This class is designed to acquaint you with Bridgewater Community Church and the various aspects of our ministry.  The class is required for membership, but attending the class does not obligate you to join. You can ask any question you might have about the Bible, Christianity, our church, etc.  You will be introduced to the biblical truths that drive our philosophy and ministry.  This course is free and lunch is provided on Sunday. Pastor Mark will answer all your questions so you can decide if Bridgewater is right for you; learn how you can get involved! There is a sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center. Pastor Mark: 419-485-8229,




GEMS Girls’ Club—Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior! Monday, 9th from 6:30-8:00pm.  Remember to bring your gifts to send through Operation Christmas Child!  I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.  John 15:15 Jill:  419-799-0316,



Operation Christmas Child We will once again be joining Samaritan’s Purse in purchasing gifts for OCC! There are boxes at the Welcome Center for you to fill. They do ask for a $9.00 donation to help cover the cost of shipping.   Please have your boxes back to the church no later than Sunday, November 22nd.  Thanks!



Thanksgiving DinnerSunday, November 15th we will be having our Thanksgiving Feast following the morning service. The church will buy the turkey, dressing & mashed potatoes, but we are looking for people to prepare the food. Bring your favorite dish to share and come hungry and enjoy some great fellowship.  Please sign up at the Welcome Center.—
Did you know that if you place orders through and choose Bridgewater Community Church as your charity, we receive 0.5% from your order? Prices are the same as and it doesn’t cost you a penny. Please consider ordering from and choose to support Bridgewater Community Church. THANKS

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