
Upcoming Events and Notes of Interest

Leadership Education and Training—The next class is on Monday, September 9th from 6:00 – 7:00 pm.                                      Pastor Mark:  419-630-7049,

Wednesday Adult Bible Study—Wednesday, September 11thfrom 6:30 – 8:00 pm in the fellowship hall. We know that the work of Christ for our redemption was finished at the cross.  Jesus has conquered death and risen from the dead.  Luke records His ascension into heaven at the start of Acts.  We then see how the church began to evangelize the world and the work of Christ building His church begins.  Join us as we do a verse-by-verse study of this historical account as it frames our understanding of how we are to continue the work that has been handed down through every generation. Now, it is our turn.    Pastor Mark:  419-630-7049, 

Men’s Ministry—The next Men’s gathering is Saturday, September 14thbeginning at 6:00 am.

Wednesday Night Youth Discipleship—The Wednesday Youth Discipleship classes will begin the fall semester on September 18th from 6:30-8:00pm. There are sign-up sheets and registration forms on the table in the foyer or you can register on-line. Invite your friends!

We are looking forward to another year of learning and growth! Classes will be held for children in nursery through grade 12. Adult Bible study will continue in the sanctuary.

Would you be interested in serving this year on Wednesday nights?  We are looking for teachers for the 1st/2nd graders and teachers for the nursery/preschool class. We also need one adult female helper.  Please email Sherry if you can volunteer your time on Wednesdays.  If you have any questions, please contact Sherry.      Sherry Schroeder;, 419-769-3062

5th Sunday PotluckMark your calendars for our next potluck on Sunday, September 29th. Bring a dish to share and enjoy some great fellowship and delicious food!

BCC 101 Class—The next BCC 101 Class will be held on September 29th following lunch.  This class is designed to acquaint you with Bridgewater Community Church and the various aspects of our ministry.  The class is required for membership, but attending the class does not obligate you to join. You can ask any question you might have about the Bible, Christianity, our church, etc.  You will be introduced to the biblical truths that drive our philosophy and ministry.  Pastor Mark will answer all your questions so you can decide if Bridgewater is right for you; learn how you can get involved! There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the foyer. Pastor Mark: 419-630-7049,

Abide Ladies Bible Study— This fall we will study the book of 2 Corinthians.  This book is the most personal of Paul’s letters.  Throughout this letter to the Corinthians Paul reveals his personal concern for this church as well as his humility as an apostle of Jesus Christ.  Together we will study 2 Corinthians verse by verse to unpack the richness of this letter so that we might be changed and He will be glorified.  You will meet in the house beginning Monday, September 30th at 6:30 pm.  This study will run through April 2025.  Every other Monday for 6 sessions Sept 30th – Dec. 9th and then Feb. 3, 2025 – April 12, 2025.  Sign up by September 16th. Sign up sheets are on the back table in the foyer.                                                                      Renee Pitman: 419-630-0028,  

2 Corinthians 3:18 “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of  the Lord, are being transformed in the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.” (NASB95)

Cancellation Policy—In the event of inclement weather on Wednesday evenings or Sunday mornings, we will leave a message on the church answering machine (485.8229), have it posted on our webpage ( and it will also be announced on WBCL( 89.5 FM).



Upcoming Events and Notes of Interest

GEMS Girls’ Club—Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior! Tomorrow, January 11th from 6:30-8:00pm.

I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my              Father I have made known to you.  John 15:15                                        Jill Graham:  419-799-0316, 


Adult Bible Fellowship— Wednesday, January 11th beginning at 6:30pm.

Knowing Scripture:  The Class will equip you with essential tools, guidelines, and principles to help us study the Bible effectively and interpret difficult passages.

Every Christian has the privilege and duty to diligently study God’s Word. But sometimes, even those who have been reading the Scriptures for decades can encounter passages that are hard to understand. In this course, Dr. R.C. Sproul teaches that biblical interpretation, like all sciences, is governed by rules. As he lays out the basic guidelines for correctly understanding, interpreting, and applying Scripture, Dr. Sproul equips beginning and long-time Bible readers alike to study God’s Word for themselves.

Join us Wednesday nights as we review what we learned in the study prior to our collective meeting.  The process will deepen your skills in effective bible study.   Pastor Mark:  419-630-7049, 



Ladies Bible StudyBetter: A study of Hebrews by Jen Wilkin. Thursday, January 14th from 9:30-11:00am. Renee Pitman: 419-630-0028,


Baby/Child Dedication—Our next baby/child dedication will be on January 17th. If you would like to have your child dedicated, or if you have any questions regarding what dedicating your child means, please contact Pastor Mark.  Pastor Mark: 419-485-8229,


Soup Sunday/Family Night—January 17th at 5:00 PM will be our first Soup Sunday/Family Night for 2021. If you would like to help with one of our 3rd Sunday meal, please sign up at the Welcome Center. Do you have a community project that you would like us to support?  Please contact Ann Marie.  Ann Marie: 419-212-3839,


5th Sunday PotluckJoin us Sunday, January 31st for our 5th Sunday potluck.  Bring a dish to share and enjoy some great fellowship and delicious food!


BCC 101 Class—The next BCC 101 Class will be held following the 5th Sunday potluck on January 31st. This class is designed to acquaint you with Bridgewater Community Church and the various aspects of our ministry.  The class is required for membership, but attending the class does not obligate you to join. You can ask any question you might have about the Bible, Christianity, our church, etc.  You will be introduced to the biblical truths that drive our philosophy and ministry.  Pastor Mark will answer all your questions so you can decide if Bridgewater is right for you; learn how you can get involved! Please sign up at the Welcome Center.

Pastor Mark: 419-485-8229,


Cancellation PolicyIn the event of inclement weather on Sunday mornings, we will leave a message on the church answering machine (485.8229), have it posted on our webpage ( and it will also be announced on WBCL( 89.5 FM).

All church related activities on Monday evenings would be cancelled if North Central is closed due to snow or ice. If the weather would get worse following school and we would need to cancel, you can find out by again calling the church, checking our webpage or listen to WBCL.—Did you know that if you place orders through and choose Bridgewater Community Church as your charity, we receive 0.5% from your order? Prices are the same as and it doesn’t cost you a penny. Please consider ordering from and choose to support Bridgewater Community Church. THANKS


Upcoming Events and Notes of Interest

Adult Bible Fellowship— Wednesday, January 6th beginning at 6:30pm.

Knowing Scripture:  The Class will equip you with essential tools, guidelines, and principles to help us study the Bible effectively and interpret difficult passages.

Every Christian has the privilege and duty to diligently study God’s Word. But sometimes, even those who have been reading the Scriptures for decades can encounter passages that are hard to understand. In this course, Dr. R.C. Sproul teaches that biblical interpretation, like all sciences, is governed by rules. As he lays out the basic guidelines for correctly understanding, interpreting, and applying Scripture, Dr. Sproul equips beginning and long-time Bible readers alike to study God’s Word for themselves.

Join us Wednesday nights as we review what we learned in the study prior to our collective meeting.  The process will deepen your skills in effective bible study.   Pastor Mark:  419-630-7049, 


Baptism—We will be having a baptism on Sunday, January 10th during the morning service.   Baptism is a way of showing others that you have entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ. It symbolizes what took place in your heart at the time of salvation. If you have someone who is interested in being baptized, please contact Pastor Mark. Pastor Mark, 419-630-7049,


GEMS Girls’ Club—Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior! Tomorrow, January 11th from 6:30-8:00pm.

I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my              Father I have made known to you.  John 15:15                                        Jill Graham:  419-799-0316, 


Ladies Bible StudyBetter: A study of Hebrews by Jen Wilkin. Thursday, January 14th from 9:30-11:00am. Renee Pitman: 419-630-0028,


Baby/Child Dedication—Our next baby/child dedication will be on January 17th. If you would like to have your child dedicated, or if you have any questions regarding what dedicating your child means, please contact Pastor Mark.  Pastor Mark: 419-485-8229,


Soup Sunday/Family Night—January 17th at 5:00 PM will be our first Soup Sunday/Family Night for 2021. If you would like to help with one of our 3rd Sunday meal, please sign up at the Welcome Center. Do you have a community project that you would like us to support?  Please contact Ann Marie.  Ann Marie: 419-212-3839,—Did you know that if you place orders through and choose Bridgewater Community Church as your charity, we receive 0.5% from your order? Prices are the same as and it doesn’t cost you a penny. Please consider ordering from and choose to support Bridgewater Community Church. THANKS


Upcoming Events and Notes of Interest

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service—Invite your friends and family to join us on Christmas Eve at 6:00 PM for a special night of communion, music and a Christmas message.


Adult Bible Fellowship— Wednesday, December 30, 2020 beginning at 6:30pm.

Knowing Scripture:  The Class will equip you with essential tools, guidelines, and principles to help us study the Bible effectively and interpret difficult passages.

Every Christian has the privilege and duty to diligently study God’s Word. But sometimes, even those who have been reading the Scriptures for decades can encounter passages that are hard to understand. In this course, Dr. R.C. Sproul teaches that biblical interpretation, like all sciences, is governed by rules. As he lays out the basic guidelines for correctly understanding, interpreting, and applying Scripture, Dr. Sproul equips beginning and long-time Bible readers alike to study God’s Word for themselves.

Join us Wednesday nights as we review what we learned in the study prior to our collective meeting.  The process will deepen your skills in effective bible study.   Pastor Mark:  419-630-7049, 


GEMS Girls’ Club—Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior! Tomorrow, January 11th from 6:30-8:00pm.

I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my              Father I have made known to you.  John 15:15                                        Jill Graham:  419-799-0316, 


Ladies Bible StudyBetter: A study of Hebrews by Jen Wilkin. Thursday, January 14th from 9:30-11:00am. Renee Pitman: 419-630-0028,


Baby/Child Dedication—Our next baby/child dedication will be on January 17th. If you would like to have your child dedicated, or if you have any questions regarding what dedicating your child means, please contact Pastor Mark.  Pastor Mark: 419-485-8229,


Soup Sunday/Family Night—January 17th at 5:00 PM will be our first Soup Sunday/Family Night for 2021. If you would like to help with one of our 3rd Sunday meal, please sign up at the Welcome Center. Do you have a community project that you would like us to support?  Please contact Ann Marie.  Ann Marie: 419-212-3839,—Did you know that if you place orders through and choose Bridgewater Community Church as your charity, we receive 0.5% from your order? Prices are the same as and it doesn’t cost you a penny. Please consider ordering from and choose to support Bridgewater Community Church. THANKS