Evening services for Wednesday February 12 are canceled due to the weather and road conditions
January 1, 2012

Why are We Here, Where are We Going, and How Do You Seek God’s Plan

Passage: Hebrews 11:8-19
Service Type:

We always begin the New Year in asking a series of questions that keep us on track. Why? Because it is crucial for everybody on the team to have clear answers to each of those questions...
1. Why are we here? What is our essential mission? What are our core values? Why do we exist and what are we trying to produce? And what authority and source of truth do we use to make those determinations? So, why are we here?
2. Once that is understood, then where are we going? Where do we think we are now in the accomplishment of that mission? And what are the specific steps we hope to take in the coming 12 months to get as far as we can toward the overall goal? How do we best invest the resources God has given us, where are we going this year? Then...
3. How do you fit in? I hope everybody at BCC will ask this morning: is there a place for me in all of this? God has given each person gifts and abilities and talents and opportunities. Someday you will stand before Him and give an account for how you used what He had given. So are you a good and faithful steward of what God has entrusted to you? Where do you fit in?

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