Strategic Ministry Plans

Our Plans

Spreading the Word

2013-2018 Strategic Ministry Plan

The Apostle Paul instructed the Christians in Philippi to “shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life.”

These words from Philippians 2:15-16 encapsulate the thrust of our new five year strategic ministry plan. Special thanks in advance to the Deacons of Bridgewater, our church family, and other individuals for the time spent assembling these planning initiatives.

One of the decisions in this initiative is to look beyond ourselves to the needs and hurts of those around us. As we prayerfully evaluated our ministry opportunities, one of the conclusions is that the Lord would be most pleased if we would seek to deepen our approach to outreach, personal discipleship, and practical ministry in as many ways as we can.  We want to “shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life.”

The following pages contain descriptions of ministry initiatives. Please keep in mind that the ideas and cost estimates are very fluid at this time. Much more specific work needs to be done before final plans, specifications, and budgets can be completed.  We also understand that the Lord may choose to change any or all of our plans. This document is a guide, not an end to itself. We will use it as a helpful road map to the future, but will also be open to whatever surprises the Lord may want to bring up along the way. We will seek to joyfully serve Jesus with the knowledge we have at the time, He often delights in giving unexpected opportunities and blessings.

If you are new to our church family, we hope this document will give you a taste of what our church is all about and where we desire to go in the future. Whether you are new or have been part of our church family for a while, we look forward to fulfilling some of these ministry dreams and anticipate a wonderful time of serving the Lord together. We trust that all of us will commit ourselves afresh to serving God faithfully in the upcoming years or until Christ calls us home. Let’s Spread the Word together.

Pastor Mark


 2015 BCC Proposed Initiatives

 Growing Stronger

  1. Explore and implement ways to acquaint those who are new to the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture in practical terms
  2. Improve landscaping around church property and rework field to the west with a special focus on being prepared for every Lord’s Day.
  3. Building: enclose the pavilion to make it available year round.

 Reaching Out

  1. Explore additional ways to strengthen connections with missionaries
  2. Find creative ways to provide training and practice in hospitality
  3. Review and expand ministry to area young couples—parenting, finances, stewardship, etc.

Serving Together

  1. Develop a way to explore and sign up for serving positions online
  2. Evaluate the effectiveness of First Impressions Ministry (Greeter, WC, ushers, etc.)
  3. Determine additional ways to foster Shepherding related ministries with lay people.

 Meeting Needs

  1. Explore ways to enhance our ministry to foster care children and families (Kylie)
  2. Review and strengthen our ministry to single moms

 Strengthening Others

  1. Explore new ways to deliver Counseling resource material in efficient and affordable manners
  2. Partnering relationships enhanced through PAMA


2016 BCC Proposed Initiatives

 Growing Stronger

  1. Find ways to connect older, more experienced parents with those just starting out
  2. Explore ways to acquaint church family with developments and accomplishments in our other ministry divisions
  3. Consider an alternative to the handicapped accessibility of our facilities and make recommended changes

Reaching Out

  1. Explore creative ways to link our church family with missionaries who are home on furlough
  2. Develop a class on “Serving Christ in the Workplace”
  3. Consider what it might mean to offer counseling training classes and/ or classes to those who home educate.

 Serving Together

  1. Review and improve our ministry to shut-ins and other senior citizens

 Meeting Needs

  1. Consider hiring an associate/youth pastor
  2. Launch a divorce recovery program
  3. Develop a robust work release and prison ministry

 Strengthening Others

  1. Consider offering Substance Abuse classes/small groups
  2. Deacon Training classes/training


2017 BCC Proposed Initiatives

 Growing Stronger

  1. Strengthen by developing additional classes in biblical studies
  2. Consider developing a “Getting Connected” class as a follow up to Introduction to BCC

Reaching Out

  1. Design more classes to serve/attract younger couples

 Serving Together

  1. Review/audit facility usage and consider future meeting space needs
  2. Review and develop leadership training programs

 Meeting Needs

  1. Grow the number of counseling center
  2. Evaluate our Food Pantry/Clothing Closet ministry and implement suggested improvements
  3. Expand ministry to veterans and military personnel

 Strengthening Others

  1. Develop an online list of Scripture verses that address specific problems
  2. Design and implement a continuing education program for our counseling training staff



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